We have large ambitions to share and grow our small categories with others around the world. Casa Lumbre is as forward thinking in our financial management as we are in our products. While Casa Lumbre leverages the traditional banking system to grow our business, the traditional establishment of lending can be cost-prohibitive and slow for smaller entrepreneurs like us. Therefore, we look for other ways to continue to drive our progress and compete with global categories and products.
We have partnered with a number of individuals and companies who believe in Mexico, our team, and our products.
These individuals come from all over the world, various sectors and at all different levels of investment, including many of our employees.
Money is not the only resource we need to reach beyond our borders and the traditional channels of the spirit industry. Especially one that requires significant investment in awareness and advertising around the world.
While others may refer to some of our investors as celebrities, we view them as amplifiers. They allow us to focus our efforts on our people, processes and products, while helping us to breakthrough in extremely cluttered and competitive spaces globally.
We are proud that of all of the places they could invest their time and money, they chose to elevate Mexico, our categories, and our products.
They do not compromise any of our commitments to making great innovative products, but rather strengthen our ability to share them with more people around the world.
Our investors and amplifiers are an incredibly diverse group of individuals of all ages, genders, races, abilities, and nationalities. That diversity allows us to bring our heritage, culture and values to a diverse group of people globally, that we, as Mexicans, could not do alone. It also allows us a wider lens in understanding and creating for a more diverse group of drinkers and customers.

We balance respect for the traditions and groups who innovated before us for hundreds, and even thousands, of years with imagination and innovation for creating the next generation of liquids and processes for a more diverse group of drinkers.
We embrace all who enjoy, appreciate, and drive awareness of Mexican culture and products. However, we believe they, as well as we, have the responsibility to understand and appreciate the sources of our traditions and ancestors. We have an immense amount of respect for the original innovators of our land, and we seek to continue their groundbreaking work and ideas for many more generations.
We are Mexican born, owned, and cultivated with a global view. While not all of our partners, products, and employees are Mexican, we imbue our culture, heritage and values in all we do with and through them.
At Casa Lumbre, we reject stereotypes and the misuse of Mexican customs, culture and dress. We encourage and challenge other Mexican and non-Mexican companies to as well. This not only extends to our processes, products, and marketing, but to the land as well.
Both our Mexican and non-Mexican investors and partners have the ability to drive ongoing and future appreciation for our country, the land, and our culture to those around the world. We rely on strong story tellers and artists to share the exponential value of our culture, customs, and products.

We hold ourselves accountable to partnering with those we can continue advancing with.
We hold ourselves accountable to unlearning and learning in partnership with others who have come before us.
We continue to invest in innovation in all areas and with a diverse group of people.
We continue to strive to maintain equity in policy and practice.
We continue to take in and apply feedback from you directly contactus@casalumbre.com